Returns & payments

Returns - Right of withdrawal

Did you change your mind?
No problem! If any of the items you purchased are not completely satisfied, you can easily return it, as long as the original product is intact and sealed in its original packaging. So to be served, follow the instructions below:

- To receive a discount code equal to the product you wish to return, you must first contact us by phone at 210-6527600 or by email at gr , or ideally fill in the appropriate form. Refunds are not made.
- The discount code you will receive typically lasts one month (30 days), with the possibility of extension after contacting us by phone or e-mail, with a maximum of 45 days.
- If you wish, you can use a courier company. The costs and the responsibility of a successful return are borne solely by you. Returns sent by ELTA. will not be accepted.
- Alternatively, you can come to our pharmacy, at 354 Mesogeion Ave. Ag. Paraskevi, PC 15341.
- Returns are accepted within 14 days of receipt and must be accompanied by a relevant sales receipt accompanying the original transaction.
- Excludes the possibility of returning baby milk - baby food, as well as products that are on offer.
Wrong or Defective Product?
While we make every effort to ensure that the products you have selected and their packaging reach you in unparalleled condition, we recommend that you check the condition of the goods upon delivery of your order. and their packaging, to detect any obvious defects. In the rare case that, nevertheless, you find an error in your order or a manufacturing defective product, follow the above procedure again, within 3 working days from the date of receipt. In this case, if the error or defect is identified, you are not charged with shipping and we undertake the collection of the relevant products. Finally, if the damage or defect was caused by improper use, the product is not eligible for a refund.